What is enough words? I have almost written 10 000 words for the assessment but I am realising slowly that this project is becoming something that could exceed my wildest dreams in terms of word count. Yes I know I have been a bit slow at catching onto this concept, but it has now become enormous in my projections and I am feeling a little overwhelmed!
The research for all the tasks I set for myself has now almost got to 5000 words and I haven't even completed the second set of activities. I think that I may not get them completed as I have so many other assessments that are due around the same time.
Don't get me wrong I still want to finish this project but it has just dawned on me as to the many sections that I still hope to achieve. Cramming is not a strong point of mine and I know that even though The Jane Austen Experience is nowhere near where I wanted it to be, I hope that I have completed enough coherent work to achieve a pass in class.
You are all probably thinking that Nicole's had a meltdown; you can rest easy, I haven't!
I was just looking at my diary: nine weeks left! Arghhhhh!
Oh well! Atleast I have almost finished 'enough words'.
Happy writing!