Decisions had to be made, before time gets away from me and also before I get bogged down with other assessments. I have been excited, but I have also been dreading anything to do with the sewing part of my project.
Well the time has come; this Sunday I will be re-introduced (with only High School experience under my belt and a pair of sheepskin mittens) to the field of sewing or dressmaking, to be exact. All aspects, including the cutting out and especially the pins; I hate trying things on when they are full of pins!
I am lucky to have a very capable person to help me with the sewing! What would we do without our Mums! I know what would happen; it would be a disaster. So Mum and I will be spending the day navigating our way through the maze that is the pattern and attempting to come out at the end of the day with something that may resemble a 18th Century garment.
My first idea was to try and sew the costume by hand, which is historically correct, but with time pushing by, it was clear I wasn't going to have enough time to learn and perfect this very tedious art. So we will have a go at sewing the costume on a 20th Century electric sewing machine. I know its not very authentic but it will have to do!
Oh well! Here's to Sunday; lets hope the costume atleast fits me!
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