I have spent the morning searching websites for answers. I knew I would find a solution eventually and I have. Folding letters in the 18th and 19th Centuries was obviously easy for those who lived in those times, however, for me, not so easy!
Well, I started out with a video that showed me how to fold a letter; I thought I was going well until, I realised it was a Japanese website detailing the art of 18th Century Japanese letter folding. After mastering Japanese letter art I moved onto finding what I needed.
Before long I found a PDF file containing instructions. It was a teaching tool for how to take a class in folding 18th Century letters. So after taking the option of printing it off, I began developing my folding skills.
After a few tries at it, I was able to fold my first replica of an 18th Century letter. I am proud of myself, even if it is a small accomplishment.
So now I have to master the art of putting both the folding with the actual letter writing.
Before I know it, I will be writing letters to all my friends. I am not sure they will be able to read them, but they will receive them nonetheless!
I have the quill, I have the ink; now all I need is Jane Austen's desk to feel exactly like I am in the 18th Century, somehow I think the last request is not possible!
Folding letters is a dying art! It is fun to try though!
Haha funny post! Please post the PDF you found to your blog!