Sunday, February 20, 2011

'Costume Dilemma'

It has been an interesting time this week, trying to organise what I am going to do about a costume. The original plan was to sew my own, but I am finding that task a little daunting.

I have been able to chase up some costumes that are relevant for the Regency period, but again these will cost me money anyway, so I am torn by the decision.

Yes, to hire such a costume would make my life easier; but who said this project was suppose to be easy! I have already purchased the pattern off Ebay and was intending to sew my own. What does all this babbling mean? Well I expected a few hiccups along the way, but not this soon.

This must be one of those times where I am second guessing myself. I will however, overcome this small but intrusive hiccup and move forward.

It is clear, that to be in this project, I need to envelope myself in the difficult parts so that I can experience all that Jane Austen's characters and the women of that time experienced.

I guess I have answered my own question!

Sewing a dress cannot be that hard! Can it?

Onward and Upward!

1 comment:

  1. Come see me when you can, I'm home this week, I think I may have an idea for you, or rather an offer... heh.
